I would like to give a  huge thanks  to Payel Banerjee, for nominating my blog .His blog “payeliscooking” is  interesting ; that presents the good Indian food, daily and tasty, inspired by Bengali recipes.

The Rules:

1. Write a post to show your award
2. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you
3. Give a brief story of why you started blogging
4. Give advice to your fellow bloggers
5. Nominate a few bloggers for the award
6. Leave a comment to let the nominated bloggers know about the award

I created my blog to share my knowledge and experiences in the field of cooking.

I also hope, through my blog, exchange ideas with boggeurs friends of all cultures.

my advice to my friends bloggers is:
Give maximum information to help others.
Please be aware that any information, idea, recipe, picture, technical …. Whether you believe banal; may be very important for others.

I nominate:

  1. Arohii
  2. Anuska
  3. Esthalisha
  4. Paintdigi
  5. Isabella S



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